Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Future....

Well another year is's's fun to see the fruits of our labor and do the parade, but then there is this hollow feeling...onto another crafty venture I suppose. Questions race through my head...the hippos were a HUGE hit...even though we didn't make the Olympian they took 4 separate pics of us and I had a lady pull me to the side of the road to take a pic with me...I could definitely be lazy and do the hippo again next year...that's just not like me inspiration is my kids, they'll tell me what crazy adventure we'll do next year...until then I bid you farewell but I'll keep the hippo blog name for next year...look for new posts in 7 or 8 months haha! :)

The Parade

Well we did it, survived another year here are the pics

what the load out looks like to get the hippos to the parade

parade pics

Hippo ballet

side view

The kiddos

Family pic

The Gazelles

Amelia being carried for the parade...she LOVED IT!

Amelia a future hippo dentist?

The Awesome HP Staff...I love my coworkers!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Today is the day.....

Last night I sutured on the legs to the pants, attached tails and started organizing the emergency child I fluffed tutus finished up the bag and loaded the times...t minus 3 hours until time to if only the weather didn't have ADHD

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

finishing touches

Well, not much left to do (although I could keep touching up and touching up and if I knew at the start that I'd have this much time I would have done a bit more in the beginning...sigh...oh Kyle and I made tails and I cut out the uvula...I am going to attach the feet to the pants tonight and I added a small panel of fabric in the cheeks as well...that is that as they say...weird but true...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Momma hippo head...DONE!

YAY, my masterpiece is done! Well, maybe...LOL...I think I'm going to bag the eyelash idea...I rather like her being realistic...I also am maybe going to add a panel of fabric to the side to lessen the PVC pipe on the lower jaw....well and I have to cut out a uvula to glue to my forehead...hahahaha


9 masks DONE!! There will be 10 of them but my friend Crystal is crafty and making her own...I just finished these for friends and coworkers...


Okay, so here's the to do list that's left, what's left is in bold....
1. paint preschool hippo's underside
2. touch up momma's grey shell and duct tape behind my head to cover the obvious pillows
3. waterproof preschool and momma
4. cut back excess lower jaw and drill and attach the two pieces

5. attach feet to the pants I'm going to wear
6. finish all the gazelle masks
7. maybe make three tails really fast
8. maybe add some shoulder padding
9. maybe add some eyelashes if time