Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 2

Well actually this day takes place about 3 weeks after day 1...sigh, but Amelia had a GREAT first birthday party so that's also very important and we had a fabulous time in Vancouver for the 2010 Olympics and short track speed skating. The things I do to procrastinate.

Today (or tonight as I should say...most of the creative effort on this project is going to take place between the hours of 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. after the kiddos are in bed) was all about fleshing out the hippo. She was going to need a 'skin' for me to adhere my mache to and then I decided to use foam to help to make her a bit more shapely.

I attached the chicken wire with wire and zip ties to cover the entire top of the head. I miscalculated and did not get enough wire to cover the lower jaw portion of the head. I am contemplating if I truly need more wire or if I can get away with something else...I'll keep you posted. I then reinforced the back part of the head with casting tape (yes the same stuff they use to make casts, kind of a perk of working in the medical field I guess) (I think I'm going to do another layer on the inside too) where my head will be to encourage the mache not to bed when my head is underneath it and partly holding it up.

Then came the messy business, carving foam. One truly needs one of those electric knives for this job. Although I am a bit of a nut about this event I'm not that big of a nut to buy something that would only be used for this event....wait a minute I do own a heat gun...hmmmm... Anyway, this was messy and involved a bread knife. I am seriously rethinking my sanity. It was tough to shape and get the exact effect I wanted. I am very grateful that I get to cover this up with paper mache or I might have to start again with new ideas. I fleshed out some eyes and lips for the momma hippo. Then I attempted to attach the loose lip pieces (there are 4 pieces to create the effect) using gorilla glue we shall see how it all works out (pictures of the lips coming)....notice part of the foam mayhem around the base of the head. The eyes are on top in the shot. I still have to figure out if I'm going to attach these to the frame or just let the mache hold the eyes on and work on attaching the lips by themselves...decisions, decisions....

The next plan? Attaching all the pieces to the main head and also fleshing out the lower jaw and deciding how to attach the lower jaw before I get too much mache on the head. Once I start on mache on the momma hippo I think I can use some of the drying nights to start on Kyle's head which is going to be carved from foam...crap!

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