Monday, March 8, 2010

A little history....

What is the Procession you might ask? Well it's this fairly outrageous parade that takes place in late April as an homage to Earth Day. People are asked to come dressed as a species in one of four elements, Earth, Water, Air, or Fire. Obviously fire is not really a great 'true to life' element and this is where mythical creatures are placed. Of course I'm sure there are some algae that could go there as well. The website is if you'd like more information.

Way back last fall we decided as a collective group to do Africa savanna or the like as the theme of our Procession group. My son Kyle decided that we should be hippos...hippos with tutus. He has since dropped the tutu thing realizing that this is most likely for girls. Ahh the fickle 3 year old.

Previous years have also been a bit over the top. The first year I participated was 2006 I was pregnant and had NO idea what the heck I was doing. My bellydancing troupe was in the parade and we were in Air. We were to be white birds. I thinking that this was a 'normal' parade purchased a white skirt, and some small feather clips for my hair. Uhm, I looked far underdressed on the day of the event. I was hooked it was colorful and magical and watching the children made me think 'how much fun will this be for the baby in the future." Unfortunately I was so embarrassed I have no pictures of this day, I think maybe a friend might and I need to track this down. The next year Kyle was with me, he was 7 months old. This time the bellydancing troupe didn't do it and I started a month ahead of time and made a giant paper mache preying mantis. I then made a paper plate into a ladybug. Voila, preying mantis and prey.

The next year I decided to go all out, I made a GIANT flea outfit, the thing must've weighed around 50-60 pounds and was strapped to my shoulders, we even had a tapeworm in our troupe...Kyle was a skunk...

This brings us to 2009. We had added a new member to our family in March so I was a bit busy with Amelia's needs to go too far out, my son's favorite animals at the zoo were the belugas, and so baby beluga marched in the procession.

This year well, here goes nothing!

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