Sunday, March 28, 2010

Smile pretty

Hippo fact of the day- A hippo's lower canines or 'tusks' can grow more than a foot long!

I also worked on the 'bones' of the lower jaw tonight, adding tusks, some gum work and lip edge and some detail to the tongue. When this dries I will paper mache it, tissue paper it and paint it...well and drill some holes in it to attach it to the upper step at a time though.....

I add the tusks, they are actually made from the rolls the tulle used in the tutu was on...recycling :)

I pulp the gums, lips, and tongue...


  1. are you going to have a way to balance... You seem to be rather "forward heavy"...??? Or will you have a baby on your back??? Pocahontas hippo??

  2. the balance comes as the lower jaw actually is resting on my chest on on my shoulders or my head as the head is..and the head is angled as such to not really be as forward heavy as you'd think...foam=not that heavy=Natalee's smarter this year
