Sunday, March 21, 2010

Even Ryan admits this is actually a hippo

Though he questions how I will manage this gigantic head and two children during the parade...two words...tootsie pop.

Random hippo fact for the day- Hippos secrete an oily red substance, which gave rise to the myth that they sweat blood. The liquid is actually a skin moistener and sunblock that may also provide protection against germs.

Okay, so today I grabbed a pic of the hippo with the mache on the ears and eye wells (these will be pulped and have an 'eyeball' and eyelashes fashioned in the future.

I also finished my pulp. This is what it looks like before it is drained and mixed with salt and glue.

I ran out of glue so I was unable to use all of my pulp but I did manage to get nostrils and some thickening of the lips done. These will have one layer of paper mache over top to smooth them and make sure they stay put during the parade!

I also finished fashioning a tongue and a lower lip out of foam so that I can mache that tomorrow.

Look she's sticking her tongue out at you!! nya nya nya nya

SAD DAY, I ran out of glue....sigh...guess I have to wait until tomorrow for anything fun..but I can start to carve....PRESCHOOL hippo..LOL


  1. So, Ryan should come help you manage the children. He wouldn't have to dress up. He could dress all in black like a kuroko in Kabuki theatre - and tell everyone he's invisible... Bwahahaha...

  2. I shall mention Kabuki...he did study Japanese in high school...maybe that's an angle I can use
